A Waffle is a food item which was added to the Dalek Mod in Update 58. There are two variants, the regular Waffle and the Toasted Waffle, each being unique.
A Waffle will grant the player with ten Food Points and twelve Saturation Points, along with the Speed Potion Effect for one minute. Also, Waffles will only stack up to 16. Four Waffles can be crafted with four pieces of Wheat, three pieces of Sugar, an Egg, and a bucket of Milk.
Toasted Waffle[]
A Toasted Waffle will grant the player with only three Food Points and three Saturation Points, making it less nutritious when compared to its uncooked counterpart. Unlike regular Waffles, Toasted Waffles will instead stack up to 64. Toasted Waffles can be obtained by smelting regular Waffles in a Furnace.
In Update Videos[]
At the end of Update 53, The Web Planet, 1WTC is heard eating a Waffle, leading MrCedric to ask that Waffles not be added to the mod.
In Update 58, Khotarri is asked to rejoin the team. She accepts, but on the condition Waffles are added to the mod (which she does herself).
At the end of Update 60, MrCedric complains that Waffles were added to the mod despite his previous request for them not to be.
Waffles are often mentioned by Khotarri to be one of her favourite foods.