Update 9, as named by the update review by UDWF1, was released on 23 June 2013 for Minecraft Modloader. This was the first update to add the companion mob Clara, whom became the target of a reoccurring joke in future UDWF1 update videos about him hating her and believing her to be a witch.
Previous update: Update 8
Next update: Update 10
Update video[]
This is one of the missing update videos. Only several screencaps of the video have been found, one thanks to this wikia.
- Added Clara
- Added Regeneration Feature
- Rivers Diary (Can be found in Dungeon Chests)
- Added new World Type - Skaro
- Added a block for Skaro instead of Netherrack
- Sounds For Cybermen Walking
- Increased Dalek Rare drop chance
- Bessie is now obtainable in survival (Can be found in Dungeon Chests)
- Decreased Cybermen Walk Speed
- Fixed Sound Problem
- A few other bugs fixed