Dalek Mod Wiki
Dalek Mod Wiki

Dalek Mod Update 64 - The Invasion Update

Update 64 released for Minecraft 1.12.2 on October 25th 2021. It was the final major update for the 1.12 version of the mod, which had been going for 6 years. It added Invasions on Earth based off ones from the show, a new sonic levelling system, the ability for Daleks to fly and more.

The update video was the final one made by Didgeridoomen. Future 1.16 update videos will be made by rainbowdestiny.

Previous Update: Update 63


# Update 64


- Once every 3 Minecraft days (configurable) certain mobs will invade the Overworld during daytime

- The speed at which mobs spawn depends on the difficulty mode

- Invasions are based on TV stories, namely:

    The Dalek Invasion of Earth

    The Chase

    The Tenth Planet

    The Evil of the Daleks

    The Web of Fear

    The Invasion

    Dalek Invasion of Earth 2150 AD

    The Seeds of Death

    Spearhead from Space

    Day of the Daleks

    Death to the Daleks

    The Sontaran Experiment

    Revelation of the Daleks

    Attack of the Cybermen

    Remembrance of the Daleks #1 - Imperial

    Remembrance of the Daleks #2 - Renegade


    Aliens of London

    The Empty Child

    Bad Wolf

    The Girl in the Fireplace

    Doomsday #1 - Cybermen

    Doomsday #2 - Daleks

    The Sontaran Strategem

    The Stolen Earth

    The Next Doctor

    Victory of the Daleks

    Asylum of the Daleks

    Nightmare in Silver

    Day of the Doctor

    Dark Water

    The Magician's Apprentice

    World Enough and Time

    Steampunk Dalek invasion

    Ascension of the Cybermen


    After this, invasions default to less-frequent spawning Time War Daleks

    Some occasional invasions will still happen in the next 200 days, namely invasions of:

    Ender Daleks

    Nether Daleks


    Candy Cane Daleks



    Clockwork Droids


- Players can be alerted of Invasions with the Radar Block


- The majority of mob spawning can now be configured by the player. Only a few on planets is hardcoded in.


- Dalek health varies on era and rank

- Daleks have armor points now

- Slight knockback resistance added

- Silver Daleks from Death to the Daleks shoot bullets now instead of lasers

- Daleks don't take fall damage but fly. Some modern Daleks also fly when attacking

- Handmines, Dalek-Humans and Villagers won't be attacked by Daleks anymore. The latter due to invasions wiping out all villages otherwise.

- Daleks can't take damage from arrows anymore in any difficulty mode

- Daleks will drop between 3 - 8 Dalek Laser gun charges when killed

- Rare chance to drop: Electronic Circuit, Dalekanium Ingot, Dalek Laser Gun, Dalekanium Shield and Clockwork Cog

- Only 'normal' TV-show Daleks will spawn on the Skaro surface, with 60s Daleks fully dominating the main biome

- Daleks will try to flee when a PRV Transmitter is placed upon a Dalekanium Emblem.

- The PRV Transmitter will not work on Skaro due to radiation


- Dalek-Humans spawn in structures on Varos. They will aim their Dalek gun when attacking.

- They have 12 skin variants

- Health is 20HP (10 hearts)

- They drop between 0 - 4 Dalek laser charges

- 1/50 chance of dropping a Dalek Laser Gun


- 4 Sontaran variants now. Black & blue armor, Helmetless variants for both

- 20 HP health

- 5 points attack damage

- 6 Armor points

- Drops 0 - 3 laser charges

- Rare drops: Electronic Circuit and Baked Potato


- Three Ambient music tracks each for Skaro, Gallifrey and Mondas


- New biomes: Skaro Jungle and Skaro Ocean (with green water)

- Craters in the Kaled Desert due to the 1000 year war and landmines

- Davros will always spawn now in Kaled Bunker (+ fixed some ugly generation issues)

- Ruins from Destiny of the Daleks spawn on the surface

- Added the 2150 AD Dalek Invasion spaceship


- Removed Diorite Hills (AKA "birdpoo") biome

- Added Varos ocean, with coral generating in the water

- Dalek-Human bases can be found on Skaro

- Dalek ships spawn on Varos, but are more rare than on Skaro

- Regular Stone generates between y = 25 and y = 35 (for making survival on Varos easier)

- Trerise metal generates between y = 35 and  y = 40

- Cows and Ood spawn in the Varos Savanna now, brought there by the Human miners who once lived there


- Added Crystaline Stalactites in Vortis caves


- Players will slowly freeze to death on Mondas

- Drinking Tea will give the player Warmth to combat the cold

- Wearing armor also protects against the cold, but will slow the player down

Sonic Screwdriver:

- Sonic Screwdriver has many new features, depending on which level the sonic is

- All features unlocked in creative mode

Level 0 - 1:

- Open Iron (trap)doors & Dalek Mod Metal doors

- Turn Redstone Lamps on or off

- Crack or Uncrack bricks

- Scan blocks

Level 2:

- Ignite TNT (requires Sonic Griefing enabled in the config, disabled on DMU)

- Shear Sheep

Level 3:

- Scan Mobs (reveals mob name)

- Cultivate on Gallifrey. Turn Gallifrey Grass and Gallifrey Dirt into farmland.

Level 4:

- Ignite Nitro-9 (required Sonic Griefing)

Level 5:

- Turn Iron Ore instantly into Iron Ingots (works for planet variants too now)

Level 6:

- Scan Entities. The Sonic will reveal the Mob Name AND Health

Level 7 - 8:

- Turn Gold Ore instantly into Gold Ingots (works for planet variants too now)

Level 9:

- Turn Soul Sand into bones

Level 10:

- Blow up Creepers instantly

Level 11:

- Turn (red) Sand into Glass (requires Sonic Griefing)

Level 12 - 13:

- Set Leaves on fire (requires Sonic Griefing)

Level 14 - 15:

- Blow up Pigs (can be a bit tricky)

Blocks and Items:

- Shakri box (from the Power of Three). Has some random funky effects like sounds and explosions.

- Rice seeds, plant and Rice item. Found in Dalek Human Structures and dropped by Timelords. Used to make Rice Pudding

- Tea Plant & Tea Leaves, found on Varos

- Regular Tea from Update 63 has turned into Iced Tea

- Three Tea variants, crafted from alien plants, give the Warmth effect and a short bonus effect

- Dalekanium, Steel and Metalert Emblems. Only the Dalekanium Emblem can be found as loot in Dalek structures

- Added two generic modern monitors

- Split Ammo into Copper Bullets, Laser Charges, Dalek Laser Charges and Explosive Bullet

- Guns require the correct type of ammo now

- Attack damage of guns: Bullets do about 6 damage, Laser guns around 8 - 9.5, Dalek laser gun 12 damage points

- Infinity Enchantment should work on Dalek Mod guns now

- New Roundel Containers, have 9 slots to store items and blocks in

- New Doors, some can only be opened akin to Steel Doors

- New Roundel Doors. Right click them to exit your TARDIS (lacking recipe at the moment)

- Crystaline pillars. Orange, blue and purple/dead variant. Stolen from Dalek Mod 1.16

- Added Crystaline cog roundels (mind the rotation when placing them)

- All cosmetic Doctor Who clothing gives some armor points now, slightly above leather armor

- Armour can be repaired with the respective item (Steel, Dalekanium, Metalert or Wool)

- Mondan spawner is 1 item now, and will spawn all Mondan variants at random

- Blocks and items are a bit more categorized in the Creative Menu


- Newbery wood can be used for basic vanilla wood recipes

- Skaro stone and rock can be used to craft Dalek Mod bricks

- Crystaline and Blue Quartz blocks can be crafted back into their original materials

- Gallifrey stone can be used to craft Dalek Mod bricks

- Gallifrey stone can be used in basic vanilla stone recipes

- Newbery stained roundel recipes

- Alternate Hartnell/Brachacki roundel recipe so you can craft the 1st Doctor's TARDIS without going to the Moon

- Only certain guns are craftable now. Most alien guns require a Solar Cell

- 8 Bullets can be crafted with 1 Brass ingot

- Laser Charges can be crafted with Zeiton and Crystaline

- Trerise recipes


- Added 60s interior hum for Hartnell & TT Capsule interior

- New Hell Bent interior

- New Crystaline interior

- New Darkwood TARDIS exterior model

- Fixed TARDIS interior not loading after using flight mode

- TARDIS don't loose all their health in explosions anymore

- 5th Doctor's TARDIS now has Classic interior as default instead of 8th Doctor's interior


- Config Option for Empty Child / Gas Mask Zombie to write on signs

- Removed laggy redstone clock in Dalek City, along with the stupid two leaves flying next to one of the Dalek ships

- Regeneration skin change is disabled at the moment due to the old code being very laggy for servers

- Advancements for crafting all three Teas and crafting a Radar

- Handles has some new joke questions you can ask him, suggested by several Discord players

- The Main Menu splashes show less jokes and more gameplay tips
