Update 3, as named by the (currently missing) update review, was released for Minecraft 1.5.1 Modloader on 5 April 2013. This update was originally called Dalek Mod version 0.5.
This update added the Ironside.
1WTC had to rewrite the entire mod from scratch for 1.5. He described the process as painful and full of bugs. The Forge version for 1.5 came out earlier, on 18 March 2013. However, for the coming few updates, features would first appear in the Modloader versions, because 1WTC preferred coding in them. These are also the versions covered by this wiki.
Previous update: Update 2
Next update: Update 4
- Craftable Dalek (Ironside) - Works similar to a wolf, after you have crafted it, right click on it to Tame it then just punch it to get its attention then it will follow you and protect you.
- Crafting Recipes for Tardis
- Crafting Recipes for Tardis Key
- Right clicking on an open Tardis with a sonic Screwdriver (Only the 9/10th Dr's Sonic Screwdriver) Will teleport you to the end
- New Tardis Texture (Thanks to UDWF1)
- Tardis can be destroyed by right clicking on it with nothing in your hand
- Tardis is now solid and cannot be pushed (This is still a bit buggy but is being worked on)