Update 29 was released on 28 April 2014 for Minecraft 1.7.2. It shared an update video with the previous and next update. It was named the Companion Update.
Previous update: Update 28
Next update: Update 30
- Companion GUI (Very WIP)
- Classic Gun sound effect
- SWD Gun sound effect
- stormshift sound effect
- Ore Generation
- Zeiton-7 Ore
- Zeiton-7 Crystal
- Credits (Dropped by Bosses and uncommon mob drop)
- TileEntity mapping for TileEntityLampPostBase
- TileEntity mapping for TileEntityLampPostLight
- Tardis GUI Meteorite Ticking - Moved to Update
- Tardis GUI Star Ticking - Moved to Update
- Gallifrey Sky Renderer Problem
- Dalek Raiding block Update glitch
- Holograms now accept usernames again
- Holograms now save given username
- Holograms now read given username
- Fixed RenderPlayer Regen ResourceLocation
- Dalek Storm Particle RGB
- Dalek Storm is now a boss
- TV-21 Dalek is now a boss
- Cyberleader is now a boss
- Sound: stormdead (Dalek Storm)
- Sound: stormshift (Dalek Storm)
- Sound: stormsong (Dalek Storm)
- EntityDalekBaseClass Major Code improvements / changes
- Spawn Clara changed to Spawn Companion
- Companions (Previously Clara) now support rendering of Items / armour
- Tardis GUI now contains a Travel button, this closes the GUI and prompts the user to that they can now leave, also playing Tardis SFX
- Tardis GUI Stars move
- Companions (Previously Clara) names can now be updated via the GUI
- Dalek Storm Create Fire when on grass (However abides by /GameRule mobGriefing)
- Changed Classic Human Griefing Rate
- Render Clara
- Empty Child can now edit Sign text (However abides by /GameRule mobGriefing)
- Tardis Command block security - Can only be edited by the person who placed it or by on op
- Improved Dalek AI