Dalek Mod Wiki

The Pink Fluffy Dalek (PFD) is an original Dalek Mod Dalek.

After being removed in older versions of the mod, this Dalek was re-added for Day 16 of 2019 Advent Calendar (Update 52) with a brand new model.

They are currently the only friendly Dalek in the mod.


The Pink Fluffy Dalek originated from an old Skype status by Didgeridoomen saying "♫ Pink Fluffy Daleks dancing on Rainbows ♫". The community member Henrik soon caught on to this and created the original design using the Dalek API, and tried to get them added to the mod, which he succeeded with but later got removed.

On Twitter, the team promised they'd re-add these Daleks for Update 52 if he got 52 likes on his PFD videos due to huge popularity of the mob before release. This happened well in time and the Daleks were confirmed to be returning.

The video announcing their return was a song sung by MrCedric based on the original "♫ Pink Fluffy Daleks dancing on Rainbows ♫" line.

A full version of the song was released alongside a music disc of it being added to the mod the following year in the 2020 Advent Calender



A brief advent video showcasing the Pink Fluffy Daleks.
