Dalek Mod Wiki

In Minecraft, Music Discs are items obtained in various ways which can be inserted into a Jukebox to play music. The Dalek Mod adds quite a few new Music Discs of its own to the game.

Name How to Obtain Made By
I am the Doctor Found in Trenzalore Spaceships Didgeridoomen
The Dark and Endless Dalek Night Kill Dalek Storm Khotarri
Dalek Mod 2014 Anniversary Theme Found in Trenzalore Spaceships Khotarri
Dalek Mod 2020 Theme Only found in Monoid Prison ship on Trenzalore Khotarri
Resonance of the Daleks Kill TV21 Emperor Dalek Khotarri
Conquest of the Cybermen Found in Cyber Cities on Mondas Khotarri
Rise of the Cybermasters Kill a Cyber Master

(Rare drop)

Army of Zarbi Kill a Zarbi (Rare drop) Khotarri
Dalek Mod Cyber Update Theme Currently unobtainable in survival Khotarri & SalemSound
Pink Fluffy Daleks Currently unobtainable in survival MrCedric, 1WTC, Didgeridoomen
Malice of The Master Rare loot in Mars dungeons Khotarri
Soul of a TARDIS Found on Gallifrey in the Shack. Khotarri