The Laser Screwdriver is a Sonic Screwdriver variant used by the Master in Series 3 and Series 10 of Doctor Who.
In The Mod[]
The Laser Screwdriver has all the same uses as any other Sonic Screwdriver, but has an additional "Laser Mode".
To switch between the "Sonic Mode" and "Laser Mode", the player must hold down the "SHIFT" button and right click. Above the player's "hotbar", a message should appear indicating which mode the Laser Screwdriver has been set to.
The "Sonic Mode" allows the Laser Screwdriver to function just like any other Sonic Screwdriver, while the "Laser Mode" allows for the player to use the Laser Screwdriver as a ranged weapon. Right clicking while the holding the Laser Screwdriver in "Laser Mode" will fire a laser from the screwdriver, similarly to other ranged weapons in the Dalek Mod. Each laser fired will decrease the charges of the Laser Screwdriver by 5 charges instead of by just 1 charge for an action in "Sonic Mode".
Crafting Recipe[]
A Laser Screwdriver can be crafted with a Sonic Crystal, a Brass Ingot, a Titanium Ingot, an Electronic Circuit, and a Stone Button.