Handles is a gadget that can be used as a block or an item to run a few commands. To run commands you will have to be at most 10 blocks away or have the item in hand.
You place Handles with your interact key/button, if you sneak you can add rotation to the block. To pick it up, just use the interact key/button again.
Crafting Recipe[]
The crafting recipe for Handles requires five Steel, one Cyber-Frame, and three Electronic Circuits.

Commands vary between updates, but will all start with "Hey Handles" or "Handles" with a comma after Handles being optional followed by the command. To run a command, just say it in chat. All commands are case-insensitive, including the prefix, Handles.
Closest Player[]
Used to detect the closest player to the user.
- If someone is near, Handles will say "The closest player is <USERNAME>"
- In Singleplayer, Handles says "You are all alone..."
- When in multiplayer and nobody is in your dimension but you, Handles says "You are all alone in this dimension..."
- If there are people in the same dimension you are in but not close by, Handles will say "There are no players near you"
- find the closest player
- who is near me
- who is the closest player to me
- who is the closest player to me?
- who's near me
- who's near me?
- who's the closest player to me
- who's the closest player to me?
- whos near me?
- whos the closest player to me
- whos the closest player to me?
Used to make Handles say any message you write.
- repeat after me, <MESSAGE>
- echo: <MESSAGE>
- echo <MESSAGE>
- say: <MESSAGE>
- say <MESSAGE>
Locate Player[]
Used to set the coordinates, in the TARDIS you are in, on a player's coordinates if they are not in a locked dimension.
- If you are not in your TARDIS, Handles will say "We are not in your Tardis".
- If the username given is valid, Handles will say "Tardis location set to [USERNAME]'s coordinates".
- if the name is invalid "That player does not exist".
- If you are in a TARDIS you do not have permissions to use, Handles will say "You don't have permission to fly this tardis!".
- find <USERNAME>
- home in on <USERNAME>
- hone in on <USERNAME>
- track down <USERNAME>
Used to lock or unlock the TARDIS you are/were in.
- If you do not have permissions to the last TARDIS you were in, or you do not even have a TARDIS, Handles will answer "Tardis is invalid..."
- When locking the doors, Handles will respond with "The Tardis doors are now locked!"
- When unlocking the doors, Handles will respond with "The Tardis doors are now unlocked!"
- lock the door
- lock the door!
- lock the door
- lock the doors
Meaning of Life[]
Handles will respond with "51.5".
- what is the meaning of life
- what is the meaning of life?
- what's the meaning of life
- what's the meaning of life?
- whats the meaning of life
- whats the meaning of life?
My Name[]
Used to tell the player their username.
Handles will respond with "Your name is <USERNAME>"
- tel me muh name
- tell me my name
- what is my name
- what is my name?
- what my name
- what's my name
- what's my name?
- whats my name
- whats my name?
Summon TARDIS[]
Used to summon the last TARDIS the player was in where the player is facing.
- If you do not have permissions to summon the TARDIS, Handles will say "You don't have permission to summon this tardis!".
- If where you are looking is invalid spot for the TARDIS to be summoned, Handles will say "There is no room infront of you to summon your Tardis".
- If you are in a locked dimension, like the TARDIS dimension, Handles will say "I seem to be having problems summoning your Tardis".
- If Handles is successful at summoning the TARDIS, he will say "Here is your Tardis"
- bring me my tardis
- tardis
- where is my tardis
- where is my tardis?
- where my ride at
- where's my tardis
- where's my tardis?
- wheres my tardis
- wheres my tardis?
TARDIS Random Location[]
Used to set the coordinates to your TARDIS to a randomly chosen dimension and coordinates.
- If you are not in your TARDIS, Handles will say "We are not in your Tardis".
- if you are in a TARDIS you do not have permissions to use, Handles will say "You don't have permission to summon this tardis!".
- get me out of here
- get me out of here!
- random coordinates
- set random coordinates
- surprise me
- take me somewhere
The Time[]
Used to tell you in-game time using 12–hour time.
Handles will respond with "The time in MC is currently <TIME>"
- tell me the time
- time
- time?
- what is the time
- what is the time wimey
- what is the time?
- what is time pls
- what's the time
- what's the time?
- whats the time
- whats the time?