Dalek Mod Wiki


An old version of Bessie and the DeLorean.

The DeLorean is a time machine car from the film franchise Back To The Future.

In the Mod[]

In the mod, the DeLorean is a controllable entity, functioning similiar to a Vanilla Minecraft horse, which the player can mount and drive. To summon a DeLorean, a craftable item which is similar to a Vanilla Minecraft Spawn Egg must be obtained. Driving over other mobs with a DeLorean will damage them. Also, the DeLorean cannot be used to travel to other dimensions, unlike the functionality of the TARDIS and the Vortex Manipulator.


The item form of the DeLorean can be crafted with four Steel Ingots, two Black Concrete Blocks, an Electronic Circuit, a Zeiton-7 Crystal, and a Glass Pane.

