Dalek Mod Wiki
Dalek Mod Wiki


This wikia will not cover the new Dalek Mod 1.16.5. A new tutorial website is in the work for that.

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This is the official Wikia for the Dalek Mod, a Minecraft mod created by the SWDTeam and the Dalek Mod Team. We're always looking to improve this wiki, so you might find outdated or missing information. Feel free to add and suggest changes!

What is the Dalek Mod?


The Dalek Mod is a Minecraft modification that adds in many elements from the famed science fiction TV show, Doctor Who. It began in 2012 for Minecraft release version 1.4.2, and has updated alongside the game frequently since. Currently, the Dalek Mod is available for Minecraft 1.12.2 and is in process of being updated for 1.16.5.

Latest Activity

Fight intese battles!

Daleks, Cybermen and more!

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Fly the TARDIS!

Over 60 to choose from!

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Explore the universe!!

Various planets, real and from the show!

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Meet the SWDTeam!

The people behind the mod!

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Explore the universe!!
Meet the SWDTeam!
The Wiki will be seeing a lot of changes for the next short while. Please pardon any seemingly sudden changes. - SWDTeam If you see this, your JavaScript might be disabled or DiscordIntegrator plugin isn't working. If the latter, please contact a wiki administrator.
Welcome to the Dalek Mod Wiki!

This section will feature information about the wiki! Keep an eye out for future announcements!

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Failure to follow these rules can and will result in being banned from making any contributions.

DM Wiki Staff:

  • Didgeridoomen – SWDTeam Member/Wiki Founder.
  • Khotarri – SWDTeam Member/Wiki Admin
  • Blox – Discord Helper/Wiki Admin
