Daleks are an armoured, cyborg, alien race from the long-running British Sci-Fi series Doctor Who. First appearing in the show's second episode, they originated from the planet Skaro. They were created by Davros, a Kaled scientist living around the end of Skaro's Thousand Year War. Although they come in many redesigns and forms, they always keep the same general look the over the years.
In the Mod[]
There are a variety of Daleks in the mod, most based on the different looks and types from the classic and modern series. They typically have 50 health (exceptions include Dalek Storm who has 150 health) and fire laser weapons, which deal approximately ten health points of damage. There are also Daleks with special features. These include the Special Weapons Dalek, which fires explosive lasers, the Suicide Dalek, which has a one in ten chance of exploding, or the Snow Dalek, which leaves a trail of snow in its wake. Daleks also attack Cybermen and, when killed, drop rotten flesh and a couple of Dalekanium Ingots. Daleks are also immune to fire and can be found in the Overworld or on Skaro.
There were also 2 Dalek Bosses in the 1.7 version of the mod, which have since been re-added in Update 51 and Update 55. These bosses are Dalek Storm and TV21 Dalek Emperor.
Dalek Variants[]
There are many Dalek variants in the mod, with many being added all the time (also see the Dalek Mod API).
Canon/Official Daleks:[]
Doctor Who (TV Series) Daleks[]
Classic Series[]
- 60's Daleks (includes Skaro, Drone, Guard, Supreme, Invasion and Chase variants)
- 70's Daleks (includes Drone, Commander, Supreme, Silver and Destiny variants)
- Suicide Daleks (has a one in ten chance of exploding when hit)
- Renegade Daleks (includes Drone and Supreme variants)
- Imperial Daleks (includes Drone and Special Weapons variants)
- Special Weapons Daleks (fires explosive lasers, includes Imperial, Time War and Ender variants)
Modern Series[]
- Time War Daleks (previously known as Gold Daleks, includes Drone, Guard, Commander, Dalek Sec, Supreme and Special Weapons variants)
- 2005 Emperor Dalek (Boss)
- Ironsides (previously craftable and tameable)
- New Paradigm Daleks (includes Drone, Strategist, Scientist, Eternal and Supreme variants)
- Asylum Daleks (withered and insane variants of past Daleks)
- Recon Dalek
Other Official Daleks (Big Finish, Comics, Etc)[]
- Movie Daleks (includes Drone, Commander, Supreme and Invasion variants)
- Dalek Time Controller
- Dalek Time Strategist
- TV21 Emperor Dalek (Boss)
- Dalek Storm (Boss, leaves a trail of fire, Special Weapons Dalek model from the cancelled 30th anniversary special)
- Dalek Zeg
- Marine Dalek (spawns only in water)
- Dalek Executioner (Time Lord Victorious)
- Exhibition Daleks
- Terry Nation (Weetabix) Daleks
- Denys Fisher Dalek
Dalek Mod Exclusive Daleks:[]
- Nether Daleks (includes Drone, Molten, Plague and Supreme variants)
- Ender Daleks (can teleport, includes Drone, Commander, Supreme and Special Weapons variants)
- Steampunk Daleks (puffs smoke out of its "hat", includes Gold, Brass and Copper variants)
- Rainbow Daleks (includes three different variants)
- Pink Fluffy Daleks
- Chocolate Daleks (includes White, Light and Dark variants)
- Sweet Tooth Daleks
- Snow Dalek (leaves a trail of snow and attacks hostile mobs)
- Waffle Dalek
- Candy Cane Daleks
- Gingerbread Dalek
Removed/Not Re-added Daleks:[]
Cannon/Official Daleks[]
- Stone Dalek (spawns on Trenzalore)
- Asylum Special Weapons Dalek
- Supreme Controller Dalek (buggy)
Dalek Mod Exclusive Daleks[]
- Santa Dalek
- Nether Special Weapons Dalek (spawns in the Nether, fires explosive lasers)
- Pilot Dalek (New Paradigm, original to the mod)
- Obsidian Dalek (spawns in the Nether, leaves a trail of fire)
- Lite Dalek (a firework Dalek)
- Mod Loader Daleks