Dalek Mod Wiki
Dalek Mod Wiki

Valha248 Valha248 30 June 2021

June 2021 Update

Right, it's been a while. One year to be precise. A lot of progress has been made on the wiki but now we'd like to focus on adding information about mobs/planets/items in the older versions of the mod as well as the current. For an example see the "In Older Versions" section of Dalek Storm's page.

Dalek Storm

Please, starting adding stuff like this to other pages, preferably for all versions said thing was in, with subcategories for each detailing any changes/updates between versions (1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.12, etc).

Thanks, and keep up the good work!

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Valha248 Valha248 7 August 2020

August 2020 Update

As Dalek Mod 1.15 nears release, alongside it's sister mod War of the Worlds, we'd like to try and get the wiki looking more professional and on par with other wikis. We've already got an amazing new theme made by Mae, and a new template for Mobs that will slowly be added to their pages

Please try to go over pages and make any enchancements/improvements you think they may need! Apart from that, keep up the good work and make sure to keep the wiki updated with the latest info!

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ShitfacedKass ShitfacedKass 3 January 2020

Guide to Suggesting stuff

Welcome! This is a guide about how to write suggestions in SWDTeam Discord server's #suggestions channel. Please, before doing anything in #suggestions, read through this guide carefully and try to understand everything in it.
This guide is an unofficial guide and was made based on my own experiences and general knowledge.

There will be 3 parts in this guide, each explaining the proper process of creating a successful suggestion.

  • 1 PART 0: Check for duplicates
  • 2 PART 1: Conceptualize
  • 3 PART 2: Design
  • 4 PART 3: Post the damn suggestion!
  • 5 Examples
    • 5.1 Bad:
    • 5.2 Good:
  • 6 Epilogue (additional info)

Before you begin to think about posting your suggestion, you should first check to make sure your suggestion hasn't already been posted recently, or the thing your are su…

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Valha248 Valha248 2 December 2019

Wiki Revamped!

Hey, I'm Blox, one of the Wiki's admins and I'd just like to make a quick post to thank you all for your amazing work!

Thanks to the efforts of the community this wiki is now fully active and revamped, in only 3 months! Thanks to the wiki we even managed to find screenshots from an otherwise lost update video. We couldn't be happier with how the wiki is going now and hope to continue to keep updating it for as long as we can! Please, keep up the amazing work and have fun doing so!

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Didgeridoomen Didgeridoomen 18 September 2019

Let's Revamp our Dalek Mod wiki

Hello everyone,

I'm Didgeridoomen from the Dalek Mod.  Back in 2013, a fan created a wiki of this mod. However, he locked the main page, and the pages haven't been properly updated since 2014. We're not in contact with him anymore. Some members of the community considered creating a new official wikia for the Dalek Mod, but one member pointed out you can ask the Wikia staff for admin rights. 

If this goes well, we'll be updating the wikia again with info about all the new features.

Please say in the comment section if you would approve of me becoming the new owner and if you would like to contribute to revamping this wikia. (unless there is no comment system.. I've only made pages on here before, never blog posts.)

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Kalenchoe Kalenchoe 5 July 2018

Dalek mod wiki revival project

So, i'm putting together a small team to update this wiki to be up to date with the mod. If you are interested, just say.

Now get to work, and remember...

Have fun

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